Reverse It | Pastor John Cope

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Reverse: complete change in direction.

Freedom is closing the gap between what is and what could be. (John 7:37-39)


Replacing Ungodly Beliefs

  1. REVEAL (Psalm 139:23)
    Ask Holy Spirit to reveal the open door/ungodly belief that’s working against you.
    Holy Spirit, I ask you to reveal any open door/ungodly belief that is working against me, my relationship with you, and others.
  2. REPENT (1 John 1:9)
    Confess (to agree with) to Jesus the open door/ungodly belief.
    A. Jesus, I confess to you the sin of _______________.
    B. Jesus, I receive your forgiveness for the sin of _________________.
    C. Jesus, I choose to forgive/release _________, __________, ___________, _________ who have influenced me in the sin of _____________.
    D. I choose to forgive/release myself from the sin of ______________.
  3.  RENOUNCE (Proverbs 28:13 NIV)
    Declare that you will no longer partner with the open door/ungodly belief. In the name of Jesus and by the power of the Holy Spirit, I will no longer partner with the ungodly belief of ____________.

  4. REVOKE (Ephesians 4:27)
    Close the door to any oppressive spirit that is hindering your freedom.
    A. In the name of Jesus, I no longer partner with the demonic stronghold of _______________.
    B. Based upon the finished work of Christ on the cross, spirit of __________ you no longer have any authority in my life. I command you to leave me now and go to the place that Jesus sends you.
    C. Holy Spirit, I receive your peace.
  5. REPLACE (Romans 12:2)
    Replace the ungodly belief with the godly truth.
    (Example: Holy Spirit, with your help based on the truth found in Ephesians 4:26, I will no longer live in anger but in peace.)
    Holy Spirit, with your help based on the truth found in ____________, I will ___________________________________________.Holy Spirit with your help based on the truth found in Hebrews 3:19, I will not live in unbelief.

    Holy Spirit with your help based on the truth found in Luke 7:9, I will live with great faith.

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