Are you struggling with a hurt, habit, or hang-up that is interfering with your life? Come find lasting freedom at a Celebrate Recovery program.
Held at The Warehouse
506 Stump Road, Montgomeryville
Tuesday Evenings | 7:00-9:00PM
Contact Sharyn | (215) 840-7673
Celebrate Recovery (CR) is a Christ-centered 12-Step recovery program that leads people to receive healing from their hurts, habits, and hang-ups. By working the 12 Steps and applying 8 Principles based on the Beatitudes (Matthew 5), we become willing to accept God’s grace and forgiveness in our own lives, in our relationships with others, and as we manage life’s problems.
The Bible calls us to Love God and to Love People. CR encourages the same commitments—we see Jesus Christ (God) as our Higher Power who enables us to do what we can’t do on our own and we lean on each other to help us process what we’re learning.
We grow spiritually and are changed as we share our experiences, strengths, and hopes with one another. Through Jesus Christ, we walk in peace, serenity, and joy as we enjoy stronger and healthier
relationships with one another.
In addition, when we trade the lies that keep us trapped in our hurts, habits, and hang-ups for the real Truth (John 14:6), we experience freedom like never before. CR helps us to exchange the destructive habits for a life leaning on Jesus.
Celebrate Recovery is offered through churches throughout the USA and the world.
The three main parts of Celebrate Recovery are Worship/Large Group Meeting, Open Share Small Groups (separated by gender) and an in-depth Step Study Small Group (scheduled when enough people are committed to complete it).
A CR evening starts with a Large Group Meeting that includes songs of worship followed a Lesson (there are 25 for the year) or a Testimony (either live or pre-recorded). The Large Group usually lasts about an hour.
Separate rooms divide men and women for Open Share. Open Share provides a forum where you are able to speak about struggles and successes in your life without comment from others in an environment which demands and depends on confidentiality. Decompress and learn from others. Open Share lasts for about an hour.
In gender-specific small groups, we meet with a facilitator to walk through the readings and questions of the Recovery Journey. Each participant does the homework prior to the meeting and comes prepared to share their responses. A Step Study usually takes 10-11 months to complete and involves 5-10 members.
At the end of the evening, you’re encouraged to stay and chat with others. Refreshments will be served.
There are currently more than 35,000 Celebrate Recovery churches around the world and the number continues to grow! To date, over 5 million people have completed a Step Study. Like most everything else in life, you get out of it what you put into it. By working through the steps and the principles, by committing your life to Jesus and living life His way, we grow and are freed from our hurts, habits, and hang-ups.
We sure think so! There’s nothing we want more than for you to be free in this life. Jesus says in John 8:31-32, “if you abide in My Word, you are truly My disciples, and you will know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free.” There are many snares in this life, yet if we apply the Truth and dispel the lies, we will experience freedom, wholeness, and the ability to live this life with purpose and peace. Want to come on this journey?
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” - Jeremiah 29:11