Save Room | Pastor Mark White

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What is fasting?

Fasting: Abstaining from food for measured periods of time in order to heighten our hunger for the things of God.

How does my hunger for food compare to my hunger for God? (Matthew 5:6)

Do you save room for God? (John 4:1-8; 31-34)

Do I hunger for the same things that Jesus hungers for? (John 4:35)

Fasting is less of a how to issue and more of a heart issue.

Fasting empties you–but doesn’t leave you that way. (Zechariah 7:5, Psalm 84:10-11)

1. God, are you inviting me to a fast?
2. God, how long would you like me to fast?
3. God, what would you like to talk with me about during the fast?

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